National Museum, Cardiff

formerly in: Glamorgan

N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.

Place OS Grid Ref: ST180766


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Artworks at this site:
Study for David as King
artist: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
National Museum, Cardiff
Madonna and Child in Landscape
artist: Gwen John
National Museum, Cardiff
Madonna and Child in Landscape
artist: Gwen John
National Museum, Cardiff
Mother and Child
artist: Paul Delance
donor: Margaret Davies
former owner: Margaret Davies
about 1870-1890
National Museum, Cardiff
The Agony in the Garden
artist: Giovanni Francesco Barbieri
about 1640-1649
National Museum, Cardiff
The Disrobing of Christ
artist: Domenico Theotokopuli
former owner: Gwendoline Davies
about 1577-1579
National Museum, Cardiff
 Virgin adoring the Child with the young St John the Baptist Virgin adoring the Child with the young St John the Baptist
artist: workshop of Sandro Botticelli
former owner: Gwendoline Davies
about 1470-1510
National Museum, Cardiff
Virgin and Child with a Pomegranate
artist: workshop of Sandro Botticelli
former owner: Gwendoline Davies
National Museum, Cardiff
  Study for the Annunciation Study for the Annunciation
artist: Evan Walters
National Museum, Cardiff
Virgin and Child
artist: Cima da Conegliano
National Museum, Cardiff

Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

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