Scenes from the First Book of Kings
Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales. Courtesy: Cardiff Castle (Cardiff Council) | about 1875 Series of scenes around the walls of the roof garden relating events from I Kings on ceramic tile technique: painting designer: Horatio Walter Lonsdale firm/studio: W. B. Simpson & Sons Cardiff Castle, Cardiff Bute Tower roof garden Courtesy Cardiff Castle (Cardiff Council) |
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- Ahab is reproved by Elijah and asked to gather the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel for a contest [Genesis 18:17-19]
- an altar is prepared by the Baal-worshippers and a bull is laid upon it; all the priests' cries, wild dances and self-mutilations are in vain (sacrifice on Mount Carmel) [1 Kings 18:26-29]
- an angel wakes Elijah; a loaf of bread and a jar of water are usually at Elijah's head [1 Kings 19:5-6]
- as Elijah prays, God sends fire which burns up not only his sacrifice but also the altar itself; the people fall prostrate - story of Elijah - Elijah defies the priests of Baal [1 Kings 18:36-39]
- at Elijah's order, the priests of Baal are taken to the brook of Kishon and slain [1 Kings 18:40]
- at the height of the famine, Ahab orders Obadiah to search for grass for the horses and mules [1 Kings 18:3-5]
- Elijah climbs to the top of Mount Carmel where he bows down to the ground; a servant is sent to look towards the sea to check for rain [1 Kings 18:42-44]
- in a downpour of rain, Ahab returns to Jezreel in his chariot with Elijah running in front of him [1 Kings 18:46]
- Jezebel sends a message to Elijah in which she threatens to take his life [1 Kings 19:2]
- on his way Obadiah meets Elijah who commands him to summon the king [1 Kings 18:7-15]
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Further reading
John Newman, The Buildings of Wales: Glamorgan (London/Cardiff: 1995), p. 209.
Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales. Courtesy: Cardiff Castle (Cardiff Council)
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