Can Newydd yn Gosod Allan Enedigaeth a Marwolaeth Crist
about 1830-1860 Illustrated ballad sheet with a block depicting the Crucifixion. Two soldiers are shown on one side of the cross, and probably Mary and John on the other.medium: ink on paper technique: woodcut size: 25 x 16 cm [approx] printer: Hugh Humphreys National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion PY 1429, folder 196 (XPB) |
This artwork is indexed under the following main subject(s):
for other works containing these subjects please click on the links.
- the centurion confessing his belief in Christ; sometimes the soldiers do the same - the crucifixion of Christ: Christ's death on the cross [Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47]
- the crucifixion of Christ: Christ's death on the cross; Golgotha [Matthew 27:45-58; Mark 15:33-45; Luke 23:44-52; John 19:25-38]
- woman, behold, your son ...' - saying of Christ on the cross [John 19:26-27]
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